Monday, December 8, 2014

Two Against the World

My brother has always been a huge part of my life. We've just always been rather close. Mostly due to the little age difference between us. I'v always kind of thought of him as more than just a brother though. I mean, he was basically my first friend. I taught the kid how to walk, talk, and even potty trained him. As we've gotten older though, I've started to realize that we're stuck with each other until one of us croaks one day. Until that day comes, it's going to be the two of us against the world.

I felt as if it would be fitting to entitle the poem, "Two Against the World" because, it sounded clutch and it fit oh so perfectly. No but for real, that title instantly popped into my head and the first word that popped into my head immediately right after was "Sick". Not like the I'm feeling woozy kind of sick but like the surfer dude who's constantly stoned kind of sick, if you catch my drift. Ha, get it? Not that I would know much about that stuff though. I mean, I've never even been out of state, let alone surfing while stoned.

After all was said and done, I was rather satisfied. The actual writing process was torture because, not only did I have to work on this blog post, but I also had to study for my math exam that I'm for sure going to bomb tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm a serious wreck right now but that's okay. I finally finished my very last blog post for this class and that is more important. Now please, take some time out of your day to support a struggling poet by reading this poem. 

                      “Two Against The World”
            For years,
            I've protected you,
            I taught you how to walk,
            I taught you how to talk,
            I taught you everything I know,
            You’re my only brother,
            But you've always been more than that,
            You've always had my back,
            And I've always had yours,
            In the end,
            It’s always going to be us vs them,
            It’s always going to be us two against the world.

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