Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Reluctant Hero

One thing people usually don't realize about me is, that I'm secretly a huge nerd. However, I'm not your typical kind of nerd. I'm a superhero kind of nerd. As far as choosing a side in the superhero universe goes, I've always been Batman's number one fan. I guess, you could say I'm a DC fan boy but I tend to think of myself as being a fan of both DC and Marvel. They both have some pretty stellar characters. I mean, in DC you have Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, and Green Arrow. Then you have Marvel who has Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Wolverine, Spiderman, and Deadpool. Both universes have some stellar characters. There's no denying that.

Like I said before though, Batman has always been my favorite superhero because, he's not really super if you will. He has no powers. He's just awesome because, he can hang with all of the most powerful superheros in the universe without even having a single power. To me, that just screams clutch. For all of those who aren't familiar with the word clutch, it means cool. Get with the times people. As the great Bob Dylan once said, "Oh the times, they are a changin". 

My inspiration for writing this weeks poem stems from Batman being my favorite superhero. It's actually a poem I've had in my mind for quite some time. I've just never really had the nerve to put it down on pen and paper until now. Well, in this case, typing words and having them appear onto my laptop screen. I spent a good hour or so trying to figure out how on earth I was going to start the poem. It was actually a lot more difficult than I originally thought it was going to be. However, once all was said and done, I thought it was almost perfect. I just needed an awesome title. I thought for a while and I finally came to the conclusion that I would title this poem "A Reluctant Hero" because, that's exactly what Batman is. He doesn't have to save the city, he just feels the need to. Well, I think I'm almost at 400 words now, so here's my poem! Hold onto your seats or whatever you're sitting on. 
                  “A Reluctant Hero”
            A hero can be anyone,            
There’s something really satisfying about that,
            A reluctant hero,
            Someone who knows that time is limited,
            Someone who knows that one day,
They’ll forever have to hang up their mask,
Someone who knows that one day;
They won’t be able to protect the ones they've tried so hard to keep safe,
            So they’ll fade into obscurity,
Waiting to answer the call once more,
            To rise to the occasion,
            To fight injustice,
            To silence the doubters,
            To protect the innocent once more,
            One day,
One day.

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