Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Losing Hope

The new poem that I have written over the course of the last week is one that I do in fact take great pride in. I entitled the poem "Losing Hope" and here's why. Over the course of the past week, I've been doing quite a bit of thinking. All that I've been able to think of are the horrid events happening in  Ferguson and the terrorist group known as Isis beheading a U.S. journalist. I myself, have found these two events to be some of the worst black eyes that America has had to deal with in quite some time. The only thing that I can even recall being worse than these two events is the horrific nightmare that was the September eleventh attacks on the The World Trade Center. However, like I said before, the two main contributing factors in writing this were the events currently happening in Ferguson and the terrorist group Isis and that is primarily what I'm going to stick to here.

Realizing that I had plenty to write about here, I immediately thought that this poem would be one of the easier things to write about. What's funny is that I could have never been more wrong. Knowing that I needed to make sure the poem was detailed and written well enough, I was clearly a bit nervous in making it absolutely perfect. For hours, I stared at a blank screen wondering how long my stroke of genius would take to come into effect. Then finally it hit me. As soon as I started writing, I knew that this was going to be one of my better writings as a whole. Not only was the title pretty strong, but I also had plenty of material to work with.

Once I was finished, I thought to myself, "Man, I'm good". I then made myself a cup of coffee, worked on about five years of homework, and called it a day. However, once I realized that I forgot to actually write my blog post for the week, I quickly decided to get a quick start on it before class. I guess, I was just so focused on writing about my poem that I actually forgot to write about the blog post itself. It's a good thing I have a semi good memory or I would have been in quite the predicament. Since I'm such a nice guy, I've also decided to include the actual poem I wrote as well, enjoy.

                              “Losing Hope”
I used to believe in people,
I used to believe that deep down everyone had some good inside of them,
I used to believe that there was hope,
I thought maybe one day,
We could all be at peace,
I was terribly wrong,
I've come to the realization that some people,
Just want to watch the world burn,
There will always be conflict,
It doesn't matter what we do,
To be honest,
I lost faith in humanity a long time ago,
You can’t truly understand the horrors of the human society until you've witnessed it for yourself,
Maybe I’m losing hope,
Maybe I’m holding onto something that just isn't a possibility anymore,
One day,
Maybe you’ll understand,
When the world is ashes & you find yourself with no one to blame but all of us,
I hope you’re as content with the idea as I am.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that most if not all of the problems that exist today, such as wars, animals going extinct, and polluting the air, are primarily started by people. It also is sad to think that not everyone seems to care about that at all.
