Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First Love

Everyone has that one person in their lives. Everyone has a first love. It's something we all live and deal with. The fact of the matter is this. That person, however you feel about them, they've changed you in more ways than one. They taught you something. Something that cannot so easily be forgotten. For me, that something was dealing with traumatic stress and disappointment all at once. You could say, it was an experience to say the least.  Looking back now though, I'm not even the same person that I was. Maybe that's a good thing. Why be the same person your whole life? Why would you want to not change and become stagnant? I guess that's the beauty of having a first love. At that time, you experience plenty of firsts. Your first kiss, your first date, and even your first sexual experience. It's kind of beautiful when you think about it really. Although most first loves may just become nothing more than a distant memory, we can all take something from each of our experiences.

My inspiration for writing this poem obviously stemmed from my experiences with my first love however, I found it quite difficult to try and describe how important one's first love truly is. I thought for a while and I finally came to the conclusion that having a first love is like a beautiful tragedy. It's pretty much destined to fail but those memories that you made with that person will stick with you forever. You could be 85 years old and you could still think back to that time when you looked into your crushes eyes for the very first time, put your hands on her waist, and kissed her oh so passionately. In that moment, you felt complete. There's no better feeling than the feeling of being wanted by another. It's truly something that I will never forget.

As far as actually writing this poem, it literally took me maybe ten minutes at most. I actually wrote this on the treadmill at the gym because why the hell not right? No, but seriously it really made the time fly by fast. You all should try it sometime. It's quite the stress reliever. Anyways, this poem was dedicated to my first love whose name I will not mention because, I don't want any of you to think I'm shady. Well, I know the anticipation has been getting to you so without any further of due, here is this weeks poem.

                                        “First Love”

Once in your life,
You come across someone,
Someone that will change your life,
Someone who’ll you’ll come to adore,
And someone you might hate,
But in the end, 
They’ll always be your first love, 
You could move away, 
Change your phone number, 
You could even change your name,
But one thing will remain the same,
That person,
However you may feel about them, 
They've made their mark, 
They were your first kiss, 
They were your first regret, 
They were your first love.


  1. I really like this story/blog. I completely agree with you that even when you're 85, you'll still remember your first love. I know I will. I also agree that you change after your first love. You grow and mature and that's a good thing. The part about writing it on the treadmill is funny! I like the poem too!

  2. This post was amazing. Everything that you wrote is completely true. A first love never goes away, and in your poem I like how you named numerous things you could change, but you really cannot change how you used to feel about your first love. This post was very relatable, and I am jealous that you can write poems!

  3. This is like so relevant to my life right now. Everything you said is spot on. First loves are so good and suck at the same time.
