Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's Not Over

For this weeks poem, I decided to change things up a little bit. I know that I'm usually funny and what not but this particular topic is most certainly no joke. Far from it as a matter of fact. The issue that I'm going to be talking about is depression and how it effects our everyday lives. I wanted to first start off by saying that to any of you suffering from any sort of depression, that I'm here for you. Seriously, if you ever need someone to talk to just hit me up. I'd be more than happy to help. As someone who has suffered in the past from depression, I can certainly identify with most. I also know how difficult it is to live in silence along with that constant struggle swelling up inside of you. That feeling of just utter loneliness. Not that long ago, when a series of short lived flings went sour back to back for me, I sank into a deep depression. I felt as if life was a joke and I was the only one not in on the gag. What was wrong with me? Time and time again, I found myself asking that very same question. I came to realize that I was my own worst enemy. Depression can destroy you from the inside but only if you let it.

Knowing that I was cast with a huge challenge in writing a poem that fully captured the magnitude of how serious this illness really is, I pondered for quite a long time. It was so long that it seemed I might not ever start this poem. I almost decided to switch topics. After hours of thinking, my stroke of genius finally hit and I started writing the poem. I knew in my heart that I needed to make this poem count. I had to return myself to that place in my life where I absolutely had no will to do anything. Looking back though, I wouldn't trade my life that I have now for anything. If depression had never entered my life, I would not be where I am today. I wouldn't have the friends and the relationship with my family that I have now. Everything that has happened to me in the past has happened for a reason. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't change a thing. I mean, if I can overcome depression, what else can really phase me now? I know that I've kept you waiting long enough so this week's poem is below. Hopefully you appreciate it because, it took me forever to write.

                                      “It’s Not Over”
Loneliness is only temporary,
                        You aren't your own best friend,
                        Whether you know it or not,
                        People do care,                                                
                        It’s not over,
                        You’re worth more than you think,
                        Don’t let the sadness overtake you,
                        Reach out,
                        You are your own worst enemy,
                        That much is clear,
                        But you have to fight it,
                        It’s not over,
                        Live your life,
                        Believe me when I say,
                        It gets better,
                        Dig deep and hold on,
You’re not alone,
                        It’s not over,
                        Not yet,
                        Not yet.


  1. I would have never guessed that you dealt with depression. You seem like that person who is always happy and has never had an issue in life, but I guess that's where the phrase, "Don't judge a book by its cover," comes from. I know how hard depression is and how much it hurts to look back at it but that poem was perfect.

  2. First of all, your poems are amazing. I too, can relate to that struggle you feel inside, and you do not know whether or not to open up. From seeing you in class, and how you come off as a sarcastic guy, I never would have thought you struggled with depression.

  3. Depression can hit the most unlikely people. People forget to think about the fact that the "happiest person" can be going through the worst depression. I really liked your poem and your story. I'm glad you didn't give up.

  4. I've never dealt with depression before but I know it's a serious condition. Life is too short to take it for granted and some people take being happy for granted. You never know what someone is going through or has been through.
