Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The One

It's seven in the morning and I'm already regretting writing this blog post at the last minute. For real, I need to start writing these on like a Sunday afternoon or something because, this is honestly just getting out of hand. On a real though, writing this weeks poem came rather easy to me. Maybe that's a good thing because, my brain usually doesn't function properly until 9 or 10 o clock. I've always kind of been that guy who's wondered what will my future be like. What will become of my relationship status five or ten years from now? I came to realize that I shouldn't worry about such things. Usually things such as this will not necessarily work themselves out but they will happen eventually. I just have to keep being aware of my surroundings. I just have to keep doing my own thing right now. I need to focus on my schooling, finding a job I don't hate, and keeping up my image. Sorry, I had to slip that last one in there.

I've always believed that there is someone for almost everyone. Now, I say almost because, honestly some people just aren't meant to be in a serious relationship. By that I mean, they're either bat shit crazy or they look similar to a potato. In the back of my mind, I've always kind of thought that when you're in a relationship with someone, you're either going to break up with that person or stay together and one day hopefully get married. It's a sad thing to think but that's the reality of relationships nowadays. 

I titled this poem "The One" for obvious reasons. I wrote about how once in your life you encounter someone who'll may your wildest dreams come true and no it's not Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite. More importantly though, I wrote this poem in the hope that one day, I'll meet someone who will not only accept me for me but can also actually tolerate my sarcastic self. This weeks poem is definitely in my top five favorite that I've written. I hope you like it y'all.

                            “The One”
I truly believe,
Once in your life,
You find someone that can completely turn your life around,
You tell of hopes for the future,
Dreams that will never come to fruition,
Goals that will never be reached,
All of the constant disappointments life throws at you,
You need not worry about what they’ll think of you because they love you,
For whom you are,
The only thing you’re worried about,
Is letting them walk out of your life,
In the back of your mind,
You’re wondering if such a wonderful thing could happen twice,
You’re wondering if there’s actually a person that can lighten up your whole world,
As much as this person does now,
But the one thing that keeps you going,
Is knowing that,
They’re yours,
Knowing they’re part of your life,
Right here,
Right now.                        

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I really enjoyed reading this poem. You expressed your feelings very well in it. I agree with you on how relationships are these days. I personally don't think that "marriage" is going to be around for much longer.. its sad to think that.
