Monday, November 10, 2014


Yes, that is the actual title/subject of this blog post. For me, sex has always been more than just, well, sex. It's about connection and the feeling of being wanted by another. I just think that nothing compares to feeling like you actually matter. I mean, they chose you out of everyone else. I just really think that in itself says something. Now, don't be alarmed. I'm not going to be making any funny references to my sex life through out this whole thing because, quite honestly I feel like I'm already pushing the limit in writing an entire poem about sex in the first place. I just hope Doc Brown isn't going to hate me for this.

The reason why I wrote about this subject in the first place is that I really wanted to spice it up a little bit. Lately, my blogs have been a bit depressing and I just wanted to try something new. For hours I thought about how in the heck I was going to achieve such a turnaround from what I usually write. Then something happened to pop into my mind. I thought to myself "What if I write about something that will grab every ones' immediate attention? That's it! I'll write about sex and why I feel it's more than just two people doing the dirty." 

After finally choosing a topic, I then decided to basically name the three categories of sex just for the fun of it. First off, you have your basic one night stand in a shitty motel room kind of sex. Then there's the four a.m. please come over, we need to talk kind of sex. Lastly there's the I don't really like you but you'll do kind of sex. Personally, I think the last one kind of made my night.

As far as writing the poem, it was actually really hard. I felt as if I had to keep it PG-13 and that's actually rather difficult when talking about sex if you know what I mean. After hours of starring blankly at the computer screen, I scrolled through the music on my I-Phone and proceeded to play Marvin Gaye on repeat. After that, the poem basically wrote itself. This is probably my favorite poem that I've written so far. Mostly because, it's so different from what I usually write and also partly because, I enjoy pushing the envelope when it comes to talking about topics such as sex. Ah, the time has finally come. I hope you enjoy the poem as much as I did writing it. 

There’s something about those three letters,
When put together they express only one thing,
It’s something we all crave,
Something we all need,
Something we all strive towards one day achieving,
Sex embodies the very things we crave most,
I think nothing compares,
Nothing compares to the feeling of being wanted by another,
It’s as if time stands still,
And then everything comes full circle,
Sex is more than just a word,
It’s the epitome of connection,
It's the building block for relationships,
It’s the one moment when nothing else matters,
It’s the end of feeling inadequate,
It’s the beginning to feeling really -- alive.


  1. I totally agree with you. It is something more than just "doing the dirty," you chose that person and they also chose you. Some people may not think this way though because they just have one night stands, like you said.

  2. I completely agree that sex is more than just something you do. There is more to it than physical, it's emotional and brings your closer to that person who chose you. You're poem was definitely perfect for this topic and worked, even if it was PG-13
