Saturday, November 22, 2014

Start Over

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to get out of Michigan. I don't want to leave forever, but I could definitely use about a five year vacation to anywhere but here if you know what I mean. Maybe I'm just sick of doing the same things, seeing the same people and waking up to the same diesel operated truck that passes by my house every morning Monday through Friday at around six a.m. I just need to get away for a while. Now all I need to do is hit the lottery or give up on college. I know, both options don't really sound all that realistic but a guy can dream right?

Like I said before though, starting over has always been on my mind. I've always wanted to move far away from Michigan. I want to meet some new friends, find a cute girl, and just live my life the way it should be lived. I just want something new and exciting everyday. I don't want to surround myself with the same old repetitive stuff like I do now. One thing I feel as though would get to me after a while is missing my family. I've always been a "Homebody" if you will and me being away from home for that long would definitely create a bit of homesickness after a while. However, I feel as though I need to do something like move away for an extended period of time because, it's something exciting and crazy.Quite frankly I could use more of that in my life.

I wrote this poem in the hopes of it one day becoming a reality. As for now I guess I can only dream. I really enjoyed writing this poem because, it's about something that I'm rather passionate about. It wasn't all that difficult to write either which actually came as a bit of a surprise to me. Usually when writing about subjects that I truly care for, the writing process becomes a bit difficult because I'm a perfectionist. Everything has to flow right and if it doesn't then I feel as though the whole poem becomes flawed. However, my perfectionist oriented attitude actually made this poem quite good. Then again, that's only my opinion. I guess, I'm going to have to trust myself and hopefully you all will enjoy it.

"Start Over"

I’ve always wondered,
What it would be like,
To just get up and leave,
And never look back,
It’s time to start over,
I want to experience so many things,
Like how it feels to fly over the Pacific,
Or how Paris looks from atop the Eiffel Tower,
Or maybe even how it feels to have a one night stand in a shitty motel room,
It’s time to start over,
I want to feel like I don’t have a care in the world,
I want my parents to know that I do give a shit,
I want them to know they didn’t raise a failure,
It’s time I start taking life seriously,
It’s time to start living,
It’s time to start over.

1 comment:

  1. I completely know where you are coming from. I want to get away from Michigan also. Just get away for awhile and travel. I wanted to go away to school but like you said, I couldn't be away from my family. I would miss them way to much.
