Saturday, November 15, 2014

To My Future Children

Lately I have been finding myself thinking about my future quite a bit. Which is weird considering that I'm normally more of a living in the moment kind of guy. You know whenever you're in a job interview and the employer asks you "Where do you see yourself in five years?". I could not honestly answer that question without lying because, I'm not exactly sure. Who am I kidding, I have no clue whatsoever. One thing that I do know is that I will hopefully someday have a couple of kids with a smoking hot significant other. For me personally, I have always felt as if I would be a great Dad. Mostly due to the fact that I'm rather understanding and chill when it comes to approaching intense situations. For example, if one of my kids told me he or she was gay I would respond by saying "Thank god! For a second there, I thought you were going to tell me that you were a drug dealer." The point is, I wouldn't care at all. They can be whoever they want to be and I'm never going to be able to change that. As long as they're happy, I'll be happy.

I entitled the poem "To My Future Children" because, I've always thought that it would have been kind of cool to look back on this in twenty years and see if any of this is still applicable at that point. It would also be pretty cool to show my kids when they're old enough to understand that their Dad was once a kid just like they were who had no idea what the hell was going on with his life. Without a doubt though this was probably the hardest and most fun poem to write. It was difficult because, I wasn't exactly sure with what to say exactly but fun because once everything was finished, I knew I had struck gold. Hopefully when the time comes I'll be able to show my kids this poem one day. As for now, please enjoy.

                                          “To My Future Children”
To my future children,
                        Come and tell me about your day,
                        I want to know how school went,
                        I want to know how many friends you made,
                        I want to know everything,
                        To my future children,
                        Please listen when I say,
                        Your childhood is going to be the greatest time of your life,
                        Live it up while you can,
                        Before you know it,
                        You’ll be old and bitter like me,
To my future children,
I just wanted to say,
Please come and bother me,
Whether I’m working overtime,
Or just too tired to function,
 I’ll always be there for you,
 To my future children,
                        Hopefully you’ll mostly take after whoever your mom is going to be,
                        Cause quite frankly,
                        I'm not about to deal with another me for the rest of my life,
                        To my future children,
                        Please believe me when I say,
                        Not counting the Lego battleship I built in the second grade,
                       Creating you will always be my greatest achievement,
                        And whatever happens,
                        I’ll always be your Dad.         

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