Monday, December 8, 2014

Two Against the World

My brother has always been a huge part of my life. We've just always been rather close. Mostly due to the little age difference between us. I'v always kind of thought of him as more than just a brother though. I mean, he was basically my first friend. I taught the kid how to walk, talk, and even potty trained him. As we've gotten older though, I've started to realize that we're stuck with each other until one of us croaks one day. Until that day comes, it's going to be the two of us against the world.

I felt as if it would be fitting to entitle the poem, "Two Against the World" because, it sounded clutch and it fit oh so perfectly. No but for real, that title instantly popped into my head and the first word that popped into my head immediately right after was "Sick". Not like the I'm feeling woozy kind of sick but like the surfer dude who's constantly stoned kind of sick, if you catch my drift. Ha, get it? Not that I would know much about that stuff though. I mean, I've never even been out of state, let alone surfing while stoned.

After all was said and done, I was rather satisfied. The actual writing process was torture because, not only did I have to work on this blog post, but I also had to study for my math exam that I'm for sure going to bomb tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm a serious wreck right now but that's okay. I finally finished my very last blog post for this class and that is more important. Now please, take some time out of your day to support a struggling poet by reading this poem. 

                      “Two Against The World”
            For years,
            I've protected you,
            I taught you how to walk,
            I taught you how to talk,
            I taught you everything I know,
            You’re my only brother,
            But you've always been more than that,
            You've always had my back,
            And I've always had yours,
            In the end,
            It’s always going to be us vs them,
            It’s always going to be us two against the world.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Lies Upon Lies

This weeks blog post is dedicated to revealing lies that were taught to us in school. I thought that writing about this particular topic would be interesting because, I just love ruining peoples' childhoods. Well that and I just enjoy history in general. I know, weird right? Who in their right mind would enjoy something so bland? To that I say, who would enjoy remembering the Pythagorean theorem for years and not having any use for it? With some of these facts, you can do plenty of things. Like get into arguments with random drunks at a bar and start a huge scene. No but really, some of these facts will be heart wrenching and quite demoralizing so if you want to turn back do it now.

First off, we have Christopher Columbus. According to Christopher Klein, author of the article, "10 Things You May Not Know About Christopher Columbus", Columbus did not discover America. Long before Columbus, there was Leif Erickson. Erickson was a viking who discovered America around the late tenth century. Klein also states that Columbus did not prove that the world was round. In fact, Greek philosophers from as early as the sixth century B.C., discovered that the earth was not flat. Not only that but Klein goes on to say that Columbus also took some of the natives as slaves back to Spain.

Secondly, we have Abraham Lincoln. Before I say this, I would just like to point out that Lincoln is still one of my favorite Presidents. According to Sarah Pruitt, author of the article "5 Things You Might Not Know About Lincoln, Slavery, and Emancipation", Lincoln was in fact a racist. However, so was ninety percent of the American people at that time. Pruitt also states that Lincoln was no abolitionist. Although he thought it was morally wrong, he did not consider African Americans' to be his equal. Not only that but Pruitt goes on to say that Lincoln did not free the slaves out of his own good will. His primary motivation was to crush the South's military so that the North would have a larger chance of ending the Civil War.

Lastly, we have Albert Einstein. Einstein was not the worlds smartest man. Yes, you heard that right. Einstein himself stated that Nikola Tesla among all others was the worlds smartest man at that time. The Huffington Post's article "10 Surprising Facts About Albert Einstein", states that Einstein never failed any math class and was actually a rather gifted individual from birth. Some even considered him to be a prodigy in his younger years so the next time someone says "Einstein was an underachiever!", hit them with the facts. Also, enjoy this poem that I wrote. It'll change your life. 

                       “Lies Upon Lies”
            Growing up,
            I was always told that Christopher Columbus discovered America,
            I was told that he proved that the world was round instead of flat,
            I was told that he befriended the natives,
            Then I reached adulthood,
            Growing up,
            I was always told that Abraham Lincoln was an abolitionist,
            I was told that he thought of every African American to be his equal,
            I was told that he freed the slaves out of his own good will,
            Then I reached adulthood,
            Growing up,
            I was told that Einstein was the world’s smartest man,
            I was told that he flunked math and was always getting into trouble,
            I was told that he started out just like any underachiever would,
            Then I reached adulthood,
            And I came to realize that all of these things,
            Were nothing more than added lies,
            Lies added to protect their images,
            Lies added to ensure that as kids we would come to think these men as heroes,
            You know what they say,
            Everyone loves a hero,
            But after a while you start to wonder,
            With all of these lies piled up after another,
            It makes you wonder,
            What else have they lied to us about?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Start Over

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to get out of Michigan. I don't want to leave forever, but I could definitely use about a five year vacation to anywhere but here if you know what I mean. Maybe I'm just sick of doing the same things, seeing the same people and waking up to the same diesel operated truck that passes by my house every morning Monday through Friday at around six a.m. I just need to get away for a while. Now all I need to do is hit the lottery or give up on college. I know, both options don't really sound all that realistic but a guy can dream right?

Like I said before though, starting over has always been on my mind. I've always wanted to move far away from Michigan. I want to meet some new friends, find a cute girl, and just live my life the way it should be lived. I just want something new and exciting everyday. I don't want to surround myself with the same old repetitive stuff like I do now. One thing I feel as though would get to me after a while is missing my family. I've always been a "Homebody" if you will and me being away from home for that long would definitely create a bit of homesickness after a while. However, I feel as though I need to do something like move away for an extended period of time because, it's something exciting and crazy.Quite frankly I could use more of that in my life.

I wrote this poem in the hopes of it one day becoming a reality. As for now I guess I can only dream. I really enjoyed writing this poem because, it's about something that I'm rather passionate about. It wasn't all that difficult to write either which actually came as a bit of a surprise to me. Usually when writing about subjects that I truly care for, the writing process becomes a bit difficult because I'm a perfectionist. Everything has to flow right and if it doesn't then I feel as though the whole poem becomes flawed. However, my perfectionist oriented attitude actually made this poem quite good. Then again, that's only my opinion. I guess, I'm going to have to trust myself and hopefully you all will enjoy it.

"Start Over"

I’ve always wondered,
What it would be like,
To just get up and leave,
And never look back,
It’s time to start over,
I want to experience so many things,
Like how it feels to fly over the Pacific,
Or how Paris looks from atop the Eiffel Tower,
Or maybe even how it feels to have a one night stand in a shitty motel room,
It’s time to start over,
I want to feel like I don’t have a care in the world,
I want my parents to know that I do give a shit,
I want them to know they didn’t raise a failure,
It’s time I start taking life seriously,
It’s time to start living,
It’s time to start over.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

To My Future Children

Lately I have been finding myself thinking about my future quite a bit. Which is weird considering that I'm normally more of a living in the moment kind of guy. You know whenever you're in a job interview and the employer asks you "Where do you see yourself in five years?". I could not honestly answer that question without lying because, I'm not exactly sure. Who am I kidding, I have no clue whatsoever. One thing that I do know is that I will hopefully someday have a couple of kids with a smoking hot significant other. For me personally, I have always felt as if I would be a great Dad. Mostly due to the fact that I'm rather understanding and chill when it comes to approaching intense situations. For example, if one of my kids told me he or she was gay I would respond by saying "Thank god! For a second there, I thought you were going to tell me that you were a drug dealer." The point is, I wouldn't care at all. They can be whoever they want to be and I'm never going to be able to change that. As long as they're happy, I'll be happy.

I entitled the poem "To My Future Children" because, I've always thought that it would have been kind of cool to look back on this in twenty years and see if any of this is still applicable at that point. It would also be pretty cool to show my kids when they're old enough to understand that their Dad was once a kid just like they were who had no idea what the hell was going on with his life. Without a doubt though this was probably the hardest and most fun poem to write. It was difficult because, I wasn't exactly sure with what to say exactly but fun because once everything was finished, I knew I had struck gold. Hopefully when the time comes I'll be able to show my kids this poem one day. As for now, please enjoy.

                                          “To My Future Children”
To my future children,
                        Come and tell me about your day,
                        I want to know how school went,
                        I want to know how many friends you made,
                        I want to know everything,
                        To my future children,
                        Please listen when I say,
                        Your childhood is going to be the greatest time of your life,
                        Live it up while you can,
                        Before you know it,
                        You’ll be old and bitter like me,
To my future children,
I just wanted to say,
Please come and bother me,
Whether I’m working overtime,
Or just too tired to function,
 I’ll always be there for you,
 To my future children,
                        Hopefully you’ll mostly take after whoever your mom is going to be,
                        Cause quite frankly,
                        I'm not about to deal with another me for the rest of my life,
                        To my future children,
                        Please believe me when I say,
                        Not counting the Lego battleship I built in the second grade,
                       Creating you will always be my greatest achievement,
                        And whatever happens,
                        I’ll always be your Dad.         

Monday, November 10, 2014


Yes, that is the actual title/subject of this blog post. For me, sex has always been more than just, well, sex. It's about connection and the feeling of being wanted by another. I just think that nothing compares to feeling like you actually matter. I mean, they chose you out of everyone else. I just really think that in itself says something. Now, don't be alarmed. I'm not going to be making any funny references to my sex life through out this whole thing because, quite honestly I feel like I'm already pushing the limit in writing an entire poem about sex in the first place. I just hope Doc Brown isn't going to hate me for this.

The reason why I wrote about this subject in the first place is that I really wanted to spice it up a little bit. Lately, my blogs have been a bit depressing and I just wanted to try something new. For hours I thought about how in the heck I was going to achieve such a turnaround from what I usually write. Then something happened to pop into my mind. I thought to myself "What if I write about something that will grab every ones' immediate attention? That's it! I'll write about sex and why I feel it's more than just two people doing the dirty." 

After finally choosing a topic, I then decided to basically name the three categories of sex just for the fun of it. First off, you have your basic one night stand in a shitty motel room kind of sex. Then there's the four a.m. please come over, we need to talk kind of sex. Lastly there's the I don't really like you but you'll do kind of sex. Personally, I think the last one kind of made my night.

As far as writing the poem, it was actually really hard. I felt as if I had to keep it PG-13 and that's actually rather difficult when talking about sex if you know what I mean. After hours of starring blankly at the computer screen, I scrolled through the music on my I-Phone and proceeded to play Marvin Gaye on repeat. After that, the poem basically wrote itself. This is probably my favorite poem that I've written so far. Mostly because, it's so different from what I usually write and also partly because, I enjoy pushing the envelope when it comes to talking about topics such as sex. Ah, the time has finally come. I hope you enjoy the poem as much as I did writing it. 

There’s something about those three letters,
When put together they express only one thing,
It’s something we all crave,
Something we all need,
Something we all strive towards one day achieving,
Sex embodies the very things we crave most,
I think nothing compares,
Nothing compares to the feeling of being wanted by another,
It’s as if time stands still,
And then everything comes full circle,
Sex is more than just a word,
It’s the epitome of connection,
It's the building block for relationships,
It’s the one moment when nothing else matters,
It’s the end of feeling inadequate,
It’s the beginning to feeling really -- alive.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


All my life, I've never really felt as if I've ever truly belonged. I've always felt as if I was the odd man out when it came to most things. I was always picked last when it came to playing sports. I always had a real tough time making a tight nit group of friends. Honestly though, I was really just the guy people walked all over. You could say that growing up, my life was rather difficult. To this day, I still struggle from some of the issues that my childhood planted inside of me. Over the years, it seems as though I've gotten a little bit of a better handle in dealing with my past. Every once in a while though, my mood switches and I just shut down emotionally for a little while. It feels as if you're constantly gasping for air while simultaneously waiting for someone to come and rescue you. The only plot twist is that not a soul is even aware that you're struggling. That is the type of effect in which depression and loneliness can truly inspire.

To solve a problem, you must first realize that there is one. For a long time, I didn't think twice about how I felt. I just thought it was normal to feel like complete shit in my teenage years. Although most teenagers do tend to suffer from some sort of depression, I felt as if I could never be that guy. I came to realize that I could not have been more wrong. Now that I'm older, I realize that depression is no joke and it can stem from some of the smallest of things such as, being picked last repeatedly for years on end in dodge ball. I mean, I was a really good dodge ball player dammit. For real though, I was as swift as White Goodman and yes that was a Dodge Ball reference. 

All joking aside, I should be held as a prime example that there truly is hope for all of us. I was gone for a long time. I never thought I would ever escape that never ending hell of an existence. Day in and day out I progressively felt worse. Then one day, I just woke up. The storm had cleared and I could finally feel the sun on my face. I guess that really just exemplifies the idea that one day, you wake up and you just change. We all change. Whatever place I was in my head all those years ago is intertwined along in this poem. I hope you all can appreciate that. 
My inner demons,
Have taken control,
They've changed me,
In more ways than one,
I stand alone,
Waiting for a reason to care,
Wondering what might have been,
It feels as though I’m slipping away,
Away from reality,
Up to this point,
Life has been an uphill battle,
It seems as though,
I never had a real say,
In what happened,
Or how it happened,
I've never felt so alone,
I’m scared of the future,
I can’t let go of the past,
The present always seem so bland,
How could I let it get to this,
I’m a mess,
I’m broken,
I’m alone.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Walk

For those of you who are unaware, I've always been a huge MMA fan. There's just something about pitting two people against one another, in a steel cage, and having them slug it out for an extended period of time. I also like the fact that it's a single man sport. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is, there's pretty much no excuse for losing. If you lose, that's on you and only you. In other sports such as football or baseball, you have a whole team to blame. A couple people can screw something up for the whole team and in turn, that makes all of them look bad. However, in MMA, the pressure is all on you. It's a single man sport and that's just something that has always fascinated me.

There's honestly nothing better than inviting a couple of friends over into your man cave, watching some fights and sipping on some age appropriate drinks. I myself, usually just watch the fights by myself because I'm kind of a loser and have negative two friends but it's still a good time, I swear. This past weekend I decided to try and enter the mind of a fighter. I tried to think how they thought about things. Most notably their opening walkout into the arena on fight night. It's almost as if you're a modern day gladiator, entering the Colosseum and walking into battle. In my humble opinion, there's nothing more exciting to watch.

Like I said, I wrote this poem based off of what a fighter was most likely thinking about during his/her walk to the cage. It wasn't nearly as difficult as I thought it would be either. It's mainly due to the fact that I'm probably such a huge fan and I literally have seen at least a thousand fighter walkouts in my day. At last, the time has come. Sit back, relax and prepare to be mind screwed... Yes, I know what you're all thinking but I can't say the other word. However, I will say it rhymes with ducked. Here's this weeks poem, enjoy.

   “The Walk”
It's your time,
Your time to shine,
All of the nerves,
All of the tears,
All of the hard work,
It all comes down to this,
Seize the moment,
It's your time,
Your time to shine,
So you'll make that walk,
Knowing there's two roads ahead,
The road to failure,
The road to success,
You've got to make that choice,
You can choose to fail,
Or you can choose to succeed,
It all comes down to this,
So you'll make that walk,
Not knowing what will happen,
But you'll give it your all every time,
That's what it's all about.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The One

It's seven in the morning and I'm already regretting writing this blog post at the last minute. For real, I need to start writing these on like a Sunday afternoon or something because, this is honestly just getting out of hand. On a real though, writing this weeks poem came rather easy to me. Maybe that's a good thing because, my brain usually doesn't function properly until 9 or 10 o clock. I've always kind of been that guy who's wondered what will my future be like. What will become of my relationship status five or ten years from now? I came to realize that I shouldn't worry about such things. Usually things such as this will not necessarily work themselves out but they will happen eventually. I just have to keep being aware of my surroundings. I just have to keep doing my own thing right now. I need to focus on my schooling, finding a job I don't hate, and keeping up my image. Sorry, I had to slip that last one in there.

I've always believed that there is someone for almost everyone. Now, I say almost because, honestly some people just aren't meant to be in a serious relationship. By that I mean, they're either bat shit crazy or they look similar to a potato. In the back of my mind, I've always kind of thought that when you're in a relationship with someone, you're either going to break up with that person or stay together and one day hopefully get married. It's a sad thing to think but that's the reality of relationships nowadays. 

I titled this poem "The One" for obvious reasons. I wrote about how once in your life you encounter someone who'll may your wildest dreams come true and no it's not Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite. More importantly though, I wrote this poem in the hope that one day, I'll meet someone who will not only accept me for me but can also actually tolerate my sarcastic self. This weeks poem is definitely in my top five favorite that I've written. I hope you like it y'all.

                            “The One”
I truly believe,
Once in your life,
You find someone that can completely turn your life around,
You tell of hopes for the future,
Dreams that will never come to fruition,
Goals that will never be reached,
All of the constant disappointments life throws at you,
You need not worry about what they’ll think of you because they love you,
For whom you are,
The only thing you’re worried about,
Is letting them walk out of your life,
In the back of your mind,
You’re wondering if such a wonderful thing could happen twice,
You’re wondering if there’s actually a person that can lighten up your whole world,
As much as this person does now,
But the one thing that keeps you going,
Is knowing that,
They’re yours,
Knowing they’re part of your life,
Right here,
Right now.                        

Monday, October 13, 2014

Distant Memory

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my past. More specifically, my most recent ex-girlfriend. The main reason for this or at least I think the main reason I have been thinking about her so much lately can mainly be attributed to the fact that her and I have a lot of unfinished business. Our relationship ended so abruptly that I just couldn't really process what was really going on at the time. As soon as I received the text on that dreadful day, my heart just sank. It was as if my whole body went numb. Someone could have literally punched me in the face and I would have welcomed it. At least when you're getting punched in the face you're semi prepared for how painful it's going to be. Well, unless you're getting punched by a prime Mike Tyson. Then you're pretty much screwed. To numb the pain, I did what any guy would do in my situation. I simply ignored it as a whole. Now that in itself, just created another barrier within myself. One way or another, you're going to have to face the problem eventually. One day, you have to realize that it's over and at that time, I just wasn't ready to confront that awful reality.

It's been almost a year since my ex and I have broken up but the wounds still seem fresh. You'd think time would start to do its thing and start healing some wounds. I guess, I'll just have to wait a bit longer for that to occur. One thing, I felt that I could do to really try and get at least a little bit of closure to the situation was to drown myself in poetry. I needed to find a way to revisit what I felt that day, capture how serious the situation actually was, and finally put an end to that chapter in my life. In my heart, I knew it was way past due in getting over my ex but that's what happens when you simply don't deal with the problem up front. Usually, I just ignore it until it goes away and I really need to stop doing that. In recent years though, it has almost become a way of life for me. I'm actually a super chill guy. I joke around probably 90 percent of the time and I try not to take life too seriously. Maybe that's been my problem all along. Maybe just maybe, I need to start confronting the reality that ignoring your problems is not the best way of resolving them.

The poem that I've written is in fact one of my personal favorites. It took me about two hours to write. The only reason it took so long was because, I kept on goofing off. I like to think of myself as being an above average multitasker but in reality I actually suck. Yes, you heard it from the horses mouth. Sometimes even I tend to take on more than I can actually handle. Some of those things that kept me from finishing this poem sooner were trying to actually write the poem, eating, surfing social media, and even texting my buddy that I couldn't come to his party and get "Turnt" because I was stuck inside writing poetry. After which he replied with a full paragraph containing nothing but 
crying with laughter emoji's. Anyways, here's my poem. Hope you appreciate it as much as I do. 

                       “Distant Memory”
I loved you once,
But now it seems you’re nothing,
Nothing more than a distant memory,
In time,
You’ll slip into the back of my mind,
Until the day I think back,
And wonder what it would be like,
If only for a second,
To see your face once more,
I remember those lips,
That crooked smile,
Those brown eyes,
I've seen none other, 
But thinking back,
Is all I’ll ever be able to do,
You’re nothing more than a distant memory,
And that’s all you’ll ever be.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's Not Over

For this weeks poem, I decided to change things up a little bit. I know that I'm usually funny and what not but this particular topic is most certainly no joke. Far from it as a matter of fact. The issue that I'm going to be talking about is depression and how it effects our everyday lives. I wanted to first start off by saying that to any of you suffering from any sort of depression, that I'm here for you. Seriously, if you ever need someone to talk to just hit me up. I'd be more than happy to help. As someone who has suffered in the past from depression, I can certainly identify with most. I also know how difficult it is to live in silence along with that constant struggle swelling up inside of you. That feeling of just utter loneliness. Not that long ago, when a series of short lived flings went sour back to back for me, I sank into a deep depression. I felt as if life was a joke and I was the only one not in on the gag. What was wrong with me? Time and time again, I found myself asking that very same question. I came to realize that I was my own worst enemy. Depression can destroy you from the inside but only if you let it.

Knowing that I was cast with a huge challenge in writing a poem that fully captured the magnitude of how serious this illness really is, I pondered for quite a long time. It was so long that it seemed I might not ever start this poem. I almost decided to switch topics. After hours of thinking, my stroke of genius finally hit and I started writing the poem. I knew in my heart that I needed to make this poem count. I had to return myself to that place in my life where I absolutely had no will to do anything. Looking back though, I wouldn't trade my life that I have now for anything. If depression had never entered my life, I would not be where I am today. I wouldn't have the friends and the relationship with my family that I have now. Everything that has happened to me in the past has happened for a reason. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't change a thing. I mean, if I can overcome depression, what else can really phase me now? I know that I've kept you waiting long enough so this week's poem is below. Hopefully you appreciate it because, it took me forever to write.

                                      “It’s Not Over”
Loneliness is only temporary,
                        You aren't your own best friend,
                        Whether you know it or not,
                        People do care,                                                
                        It’s not over,
                        You’re worth more than you think,
                        Don’t let the sadness overtake you,
                        Reach out,
                        You are your own worst enemy,
                        That much is clear,
                        But you have to fight it,
                        It’s not over,
                        Live your life,
                        Believe me when I say,
                        It gets better,
                        Dig deep and hold on,
You’re not alone,
                        It’s not over,
                        Not yet,
                        Not yet.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

First Love

Everyone has that one person in their lives. Everyone has a first love. It's something we all live and deal with. The fact of the matter is this. That person, however you feel about them, they've changed you in more ways than one. They taught you something. Something that cannot so easily be forgotten. For me, that something was dealing with traumatic stress and disappointment all at once. You could say, it was an experience to say the least.  Looking back now though, I'm not even the same person that I was. Maybe that's a good thing. Why be the same person your whole life? Why would you want to not change and become stagnant? I guess that's the beauty of having a first love. At that time, you experience plenty of firsts. Your first kiss, your first date, and even your first sexual experience. It's kind of beautiful when you think about it really. Although most first loves may just become nothing more than a distant memory, we can all take something from each of our experiences.

My inspiration for writing this poem obviously stemmed from my experiences with my first love however, I found it quite difficult to try and describe how important one's first love truly is. I thought for a while and I finally came to the conclusion that having a first love is like a beautiful tragedy. It's pretty much destined to fail but those memories that you made with that person will stick with you forever. You could be 85 years old and you could still think back to that time when you looked into your crushes eyes for the very first time, put your hands on her waist, and kissed her oh so passionately. In that moment, you felt complete. There's no better feeling than the feeling of being wanted by another. It's truly something that I will never forget.

As far as actually writing this poem, it literally took me maybe ten minutes at most. I actually wrote this on the treadmill at the gym because why the hell not right? No, but seriously it really made the time fly by fast. You all should try it sometime. It's quite the stress reliever. Anyways, this poem was dedicated to my first love whose name I will not mention because, I don't want any of you to think I'm shady. Well, I know the anticipation has been getting to you so without any further of due, here is this weeks poem.

                                        “First Love”

Once in your life,
You come across someone,
Someone that will change your life,
Someone who’ll you’ll come to adore,
And someone you might hate,
But in the end, 
They’ll always be your first love, 
You could move away, 
Change your phone number, 
You could even change your name,
But one thing will remain the same,
That person,
However you may feel about them, 
They've made their mark, 
They were your first kiss, 
They were your first regret, 
They were your first love.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Reluctant Hero

One thing people usually don't realize about me is, that I'm secretly a huge nerd. However, I'm not your typical kind of nerd. I'm a superhero kind of nerd. As far as choosing a side in the superhero universe goes, I've always been Batman's number one fan. I guess, you could say I'm a DC fan boy but I tend to think of myself as being a fan of both DC and Marvel. They both have some pretty stellar characters. I mean, in DC you have Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Cyborg, and Green Arrow. Then you have Marvel who has Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Wolverine, Spiderman, and Deadpool. Both universes have some stellar characters. There's no denying that.

Like I said before though, Batman has always been my favorite superhero because, he's not really super if you will. He has no powers. He's just awesome because, he can hang with all of the most powerful superheros in the universe without even having a single power. To me, that just screams clutch. For all of those who aren't familiar with the word clutch, it means cool. Get with the times people. As the great Bob Dylan once said, "Oh the times, they are a changin". 

My inspiration for writing this weeks poem stems from Batman being my favorite superhero. It's actually a poem I've had in my mind for quite some time. I've just never really had the nerve to put it down on pen and paper until now. Well, in this case, typing words and having them appear onto my laptop screen. I spent a good hour or so trying to figure out how on earth I was going to start the poem. It was actually a lot more difficult than I originally thought it was going to be. However, once all was said and done, I thought it was almost perfect. I just needed an awesome title. I thought for a while and I finally came to the conclusion that I would title this poem "A Reluctant Hero" because, that's exactly what Batman is. He doesn't have to save the city, he just feels the need to. Well, I think I'm almost at 400 words now, so here's my poem! Hold onto your seats or whatever you're sitting on. 
                  “A Reluctant Hero”
            A hero can be anyone,            
There’s something really satisfying about that,
            A reluctant hero,
            Someone who knows that time is limited,
            Someone who knows that one day,
They’ll forever have to hang up their mask,
Someone who knows that one day;
They won’t be able to protect the ones they've tried so hard to keep safe,
            So they’ll fade into obscurity,
Waiting to answer the call once more,
            To rise to the occasion,
            To fight injustice,
            To silence the doubters,
            To protect the innocent once more,
            One day,
One day.